Endo-Prep Gel

Gel for root canals preparation

Active substance:

EDTA 17%

Available packages:

– syringe of 2ml, 5ml, 10ml

+ set of applicators


Handling the product ENDO-PREP Gel:

1. open the pulp cavity, remove the content of the chamber in order to prepare access to the root canals (picture 1)

2. rinse initially with sodium hypochlorite (picture 2)

3. remove inflamed pulp from the root canal (picture 3)

4. insert Endo-Prep gel into the root canal (picture 4)

5. prepare the canal mechanically while rinsing with sodium hypochlorite simultaneously (CHLORAXID) (picture 5)


Description of activity


Preparation is intended for use during chemo-mechanical root canal rinsing and preparation. Surfacants contained in the product make introduction of the tool into the root canal easier and minimize danger of its impaction or breakage in the root canal.

Activity of the disodium edetate is based on reaction between EDTA and mineral components of the tooth’s hard tissues.

By absorption of calcium from the root canal, disodium edetate softens tissue and makes mechanical drainage of the root canal easier









REF: n.d. Categoria:

Available Options:


black, blue, brown

Precise application and full comfort of use is possible because of the highest quality syringes used for our products.

Luer-lock thread and rubber plunger guarantee comfort and safety while working with the


  • Contains surfacants making introduction of the tool into the root canal easier and minimizing danger of its impaction or breakage in the root canal.
  • Disodium edetate (EDTA) contained in the product by rinsing calcium and magnesium ions softens the surface layer of the dentine and makes it easier to remove it and restore the root canal.
  • Perfectly composed gel consistency guarantees comfort of application and possibility of placing the product directly on the tool.
  • Implementation of the luer-lock syringes guarantees safe application – syringes are equipped with luer-lock thread that enables connection with needle by screwing it onto the syringe. Luer-lock system is the best protection against accidentally spillage of the product during application.